Sitters Unlimited LLC
Providing exceptional Childcare to Central Ohio Families for Over 20 years!
Parenting is tough, and sometimes it takes a village.
Central Ohio Parents - We're your village, you're our tribe!
(Sitters are paid an extra $1/hr on these dates)
01/01/2024 New Year's Day
01/15/2024 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
02/14/2024 Valentine's Day
02/19/2024 President's Day
03/17/2024 St. Patrick's Day
03/29/2024 Good Friday & Passover Weekend
03/30/2024 Easter and Passover Weekend
03/31/2024 Easter and Passover Weekend
05/12/2024 Mother's Day
05/27/2024 Memorial Day
06/16/2024 Father's Day
06/19/2024 Juneteenth
07/04/2024 Independence Day
09/02/2024 Labor Day
08/31/2024 OSU vs Southern Mississippi
09/07/2024 OSU vs Western Michigan
09/21/2024 OSU vs Marshall
10/05/2024 OSU vs Iowa
10/14/2024 Columbus Day
10/26/2024 OSU vs Nebraska
10/31/2024 Halloween
11/11/2024 Veteran's Day (observed)
11/23/2024 OSU vs Indiana
11/28/2024 Thanksgiving
11/29/2024 Thanksgiving Weekend
11/30/2024 OSU vs *ichigan
12/01/2024 Thanksgiving Weekend
12/24/2024 Christmas Eve
12/25/2024 Christmas Day
12/31/2024 New Year's Eve